In order to grab the student's attention, she informed them of the following statistics from the Center for Disease Control:
- One in three adolescent girls in the U.S. is a victim of physical, emotional or verbal abuse from a dating partner.
- Nationwide, one in ten high school students has been hit, slapped or physically hurt by a boyfriend or girlfriend.
- One in five tweens (ages 11-14) say their friends are victims of dating violence and nearly half who know friends who are verbally abused.
- Fourty-five percent of teens have been pressured to become intimate.
Thank you Family Sunshine Center and Verizon Wireless for the Safe Dates program and for what you are doing for Alabama teens!
Photos Below:
1. FLDB with the Minor High School Ambassadors.
2. FLDB with the Minor High School Jazz Band who performed at the reception
3. FLBB with coaches and principal from Carver High School
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